Moving Tips For All Tenants

Moving is not always easy or fun, which is why we I have put together some tips to guide you through your move and make it as easy as possible for you.

Get rid of everything you don’t use. No, you won’t wear that dress from 5 years ago again. 

Whether you are moving into one of our Distinct Management apartments in Bloomington or anywhere else in the country and abroad, saying goodbye to personal items can be difficult, especially when they have been sitting in the attic or basement for years! But moving comes with a fresh start! The less you pack, the easier it will be to move, so try to get rid of anything that you don’t need around anymore.

Make a checklist.

Whether you are moving in or out, checklists are crucial to staying organized and on track with the move. As you lead up to your move, gradually make a checklist of everything that you need to move out, or do to complete your move. 

Label your boxes.

You may think that remembering where everything is is simple, but once you have packed 10+ boxes it will absolutely slip your mind. Labeling boxes (simply writing on them) can go a long way in the move-in or out process, helping you stay organized and knowing which boxes to handle with extra care.

No procrastination. Take it slow. 

Moving an entire apartment is never easy, I have yet to meet someone who enjoys moving. Although, it doesn’t have to be a big deal. By starting your move in advance, and completing pieces day by day rather than in a single day, this can relieve a great amount of stress and allow for more thought into the packing and unpacking processes.

Plan how to set up your new space.

Whether you have a physical or mental image of your new home, take time to plan your home arrangements. Move-in day is overwhelming, as you have just left your home. If you walk into your new home with no idea how you want it to be arranged, this can lead to extra stress. Take some time to plan how you want your new home to look, and you will walk in stress free, ready for the next step of your life.


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